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The Journey Begins

Writer's picture: Michael LloydMichael Lloyd

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Our website is at Further information such as how to make contact for professional services is there. What follows are our blog posts meant to stimulate thought and reflection, and to be a well of information and ideas relative to problem resolution and personal change.

Psychologist John Taylor Ph.D., (CPBC Registration #1444) and Psychotherapist Mike Lloyd Ph.D. share this counselling practice, and our intent is to use this forum as a means to share information, explores ideas, and to stimulate thought.

Essentially we are problem-solvers, guides, ‘teachers’, coaches of life skills and life changes. Ultimately, we are therapists with decades of experience across a variety of realms – all focused on helping others navigate life challenges, make necessary changes, and to grow as individuals, couples, or families.

Beginning working with adolescents in residential care due to their troubles with the law/families/school we have branched out from there, although we still function as a Psychologist/Clinical Consultants at Hollyburn Youth and Family Services. Beyond this we work individually with clients struggling to deal with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, anxiety, chronic pain, relationship struggles and blended family adjustments.

Between us we have a range of interests.

Dr. John Taylor works with persons with OCD and with adolescents, and their families. Previously he has specialized in issues related to sexualized children, and has had an interest in moral development. Moral development was the focus of his doctoral research and his dissertation.

Dr. Mike Lloyd (Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a speciality in counselling psychology). He is currently a psychotherapist and Life Skills Coach and for almost 25 years before his first retirement was a Psychologist in another province. The scope of his work was addictions counselling, anxiety and depression management, family counselling, and for the last 13 years he was a specialist in chronic pain management in an interdisciplinary program. Returning to consulting and counselling work about four years ago, he has focused on adolescents in care, and worked with a range of concerns facing individual adults and couples. Emotionally-Focused Couples Counselling (EFT) is his current foundational approach with couples seeking reconnection and greater attachment.

Dr. Taylor and Dr. Lloyd occasionally do co-therapy and enjoy the tag-team style and opportunities to be teachers as well as supportive therapists.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
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Counselling Psychology Group is a team of registered and experienced professionals ready to provide therapy for relationships, anxiety, OCD, depression and more.

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